Media Coverage

Thank You to Black Women

by | Feb 3

As our nation prepares for the inauguration of the incoming presidential administration, NOBEL Women salutes the phenomenal voter registration and turnout efforts strategized, spearheaded, and supported by Black women during the November 2024 election cycle.

We honor you for the invaluable time, expertise, and contributions that you poured in your local, state, and national efforts. Your commitment to ensuring the preservation of democracy does not go unnoticed. From calls, texts, emails, and virtual meetings to creative pop-ups, and social media posts. Your galvanizing acts of traditional and innovative modalities engaged constituents, neighbors, families, friends, sorority sisters, church members, and strangers alike. The hope you hold for a better nation was palpable. It gave life through campaign donations, town halls, sermons, and beyond.

Kudos to you for being your brilliant, full, unstoppable selves. Yes, even in these United States of America. Each day that you rise with the strength of our ancestor’s resilience, resolute peace, and determination, is a grand day. Our hearts rejoice in the power of your quiet storm and bodacious audacity.

To those who the election cycle left broken, ravaged, and simply stunned — we thank you, too. As Black women, we recognize the everyday threats and opportunities that shape the world around us. We hold space for our tired, dejected, overwhelmed, underpaid, and unappreciated sisters. You are seen. You are heard. You are safe to simply be. Now lean into the divinity of rest. Find comfort in your village, tribe, and crew. Know that as our sister’s keeper, our hearts remain with you as you recalibrate to find your north star.

No matter where you are along the journey of reflecting on what has been, and what can be. We are proud to be in community with you. Sisters, you did that!

Thank you, Black women for being a reliable voting bloc and crucial foundation of the pathway forward.